

  1. 付款历史记录
  2. 欠款金额
  3. 信用记录时间长度
  4. 新增信用额
  5. 信贷种类

从实际经验来看, 申请新的信用卡的时候,信用分数会降低,但一般几个月之后就恢复了。所以申请信用卡拿开户奖励对你的信用分数不会有实质的负面影响的。


美国航空(American Airlines)和全美航空(US Airways)常客计划3月28日合并

1. 从3月28日开始合并账户,全美航空的里程将转变为美国航空里程

2. 可以使用全美航空里程兑换航班的最后期限是美国中部时间3月25日晚11点59分,也就是北京时间3月26日中午12点59分。还想享受12万里程北美-北亚往返头等舱的朋友们要抓紧这最后的时间了。

3. 巴克莱已经在官网上撤销了全美航空信用卡的申请页面。目前也只有之前持卡人的推荐链接还可以用,还想赶上5万里程末班车的朋友可以通过推荐链接申请。从下个月开始,所有的全美航空信用卡将转换为同样是巴克莱银行发行的美国航空联名信用卡,所以大家不必担心合并以后信用卡会销卡的问题。



 chase $450 coupon code


Chase Total Checking:开户六十日内direct deposit一次,奖励$300
Chase Savings: 开户十个工作日之内存$10000,奖励$150;$10000要放至少九十天

注意:银行账户至少要保持六个月 ,否者奖励会收回。同时,Checking账户要保持有$1500,Savings账户要保持有$300,否者银行每月会收一个手续费。





Chase: 800-436-7927 (App Status - Automated)
Chase: 888-270-2127 (App Recons)
Chase: 888-245-0625 (Credit analyst - Recons)
Chase: 888-622-7547 (Chase Executive Ofc. in IL)
Chase: 800-955-9900 (Product Change Status Questions)
Chase: 800-453-9719 (Business Credit Analyst, 8am-10pm EST M-F)



申请Ink Cash® Business Credit Card的时候,有时会得到这样的信息:
Thanks for Applying. Please call us as soon as possible at 1-800-243-6010 Mon-Fri 8am to 10pm EST to discuss your application with a Customer Support Specialist. We look forward to speaking with you.
Please reference #xxxxxxxxxxxxx when you call.
We look forward to speaking with you.
 另外,你也可以写一封reconsideration letter来让他们重新考虑。下面是个例子:
Your Name
Your Address
City, State
Executive Review Department
123 Maple Lane
Los Angeles, CA 91326
To Whom It May Concern:
Hello, I am writing in regards to my application for _____________card with reference #*************. I was disappointed to hear of my denial considering my stellar credit history and my past relationship with your bank.
Recently, I have been traveling quite a lot and thus feel the features and benefits of this card would be useful for me. (Insert specific features.) I am not asking for a large amount of credit, but simply enough to enjoy this card’s wonderful benefits while also continuing to prove my value to you as a customer. (Optional: I am even willing to shift credit from XYZ card if that is required.)
I am hoping this letter finds its way to someone who can help me get this application reconsidered, however I am not authorizing an additional credit pull. Thank you in advance and please know that I sincerely appreciate your time and any help you can provide. If you have any further questions I can be reached at ***-***-**** or via email at youremail@gmail.com
Your Name



  • 比如几百美金的开卡奖励, 兑换免费回国机票的航空公司积分, 免费酒店住宿等;平时消费最高至6%的返现,相当于每笔消费都在省钱
  • 附赠租车保险,旅行人身保险,购物保险,免费延长1年质保等全方位呵护
  • 按时还款有助于获得信用记录高分,未来贷款买房可享最佳利率
  • 安全,不担心被盗刷,出门旅行不用带大量现金


netSpend Savings:一个有5%利息的储蓄账户和$20的开户奖励


你有$5000或以下的闲钱没地儿放吗?那今天我就来介绍介绍一个帮你赚钱的高息savings账户。提供这个账户的公司叫netSpend。netSpend本身是一个prepaid debit card的账户,但是它还附带着这么一个高息的savings账户。这个高息账户叫netSpend Savings,是FDIC保险的,目前它有5%的利息和$20的开户奖励。netSpend的那个prepaid debit card账户并没有什么特点,我们只是把它作为存钱和取钱的通道,不用它的任何其它功能。在这里我们关键是要好好利用一下netSpend Savings账户来赚取高息。下面就介绍一下“武功秘籍”了:

(1)首先你要用我的链接http://www.mynetspendcard.com?uref=2716775333来order一个netSpend Visa prepaid debit card和注册一个网上帐号。不用我的链接也行,但是就拿不到$20的开户奖励。

(2)等一个星期左右,你就会收到寄给你的netSpend Visa prepaid debit card。到netSpend的网站https://www.netspend.com去激活(Activate)你的卡(如果在步骤(1)忘了注册一个网上帐号,这时可以注册一个网上帐号)。

(3)有了网上帐号后,你会在帐号里看到你的routing number和account number,它们是连接到你的debit card的。有了这两个号,你就可以到你有帐户的任何一个银行的网站去设置一下ACH转账(Online Transfer)。

(4)如果你只想要这$20的开户奖励,你可以用你的外部银行的ACH转至少$40到你的netSpend debit Card账户。但是我们不只是想要这$20的开户奖励吧!这就需要另外的trick去开免费的savings账户了。

(5)要想开Savings帐户,你需要把你的netSpend debit card账户升级到premier。升到premier很容易,只需要用你的外部银行的ACH转$500就行了,不是每个月都要转(从2016年1月22日开始,你可能需要做一次真的Direct Deposit来满足这个$500的转钱要求。真的Direct Deposit指的是转的钱是从你的工资或政府福利来的)另外,premier只是个级别,它的一个福利是fee advantage plan的月费由$9.95降为$5,不过这个和我们关系不大,因为我们只用savings,不用debit card购物,所以debit card留在pay as you go plan就可以了(debit card是自动留在pay as you go plan里的,除非你特意去选fee advantage plan,一般不动就可以了),是没有月费的。(据网友汇报,开Savings帐户已经没有升级到premier的要求,,这一步就可以省略了)

(6)过几天你就会收到通知说你的netSpend账户升级到premier啦(有的人没有收到通知,但是只要你登录账号以后在MOVE MONEY里看到Savings就证明你是premier了)!这时你就可以登录到你的netSpend账户去开一个附加的savings账户了。savings账户对$5000以下的存款有5%的利息。你只要再用你的外部银行的ACH转$4500到你的netSpend debit Card账户,然后把debit card账户的所有$5000划拨到savings账户就可以了。

(7)还要强调一点的是,如果你的netSpend账户每90天没有一个activity的话,netSpend会收一个maintenance fee。不过这个fee很容易避免,因为你的savings账户每一个季度会发一次利息,那么把利息划拨到debit card账户,然后过几天用你的外部银行的ACH把它取出来,这样就可以避免maintenance fee。还有另一种更好的办法就是用你的外部银行每90天自动schedule一个$5 ACH 存,然后一个$5 ACH 取,这样也可以避免maintenance fee。(更新:据有人汇报,你须要有一个存钱的activity来避免这个maintenance fee,所以最安全的方法就是用第二种方法

(8)遵照同样的流程,你还可以给你的爱人开一个账户,又可以再存$5000。记住哈,一个人最多可以开3个账户更新:据有人汇报,这个限制其实不存在,因为有人开了netSpend系列所有账号(比如:netSpend, Brinks, WU, Aceelite等等)都成功了)。

现在你的钱就可以在netSpend Savings里为你安静地赚钱了!


注1:为省事,步骤(4), (5) and (6) 可以一步完成。你只要用你的外部银行的ACH转$5000到你的netSpend debit card账户,拿到$20的开户奖励,debit card账户升级到premier,开savings账户,然后把debit card账户的所有$5000划拨到savings账户。

注2:可以转钱到netSpend的银行有Boeing Credit Union,ETrade,PenFed,Ally,Santander bank's extra20 checking account,EverBank,Alliant,Amazon Payments,Bluebird,Fidelity,ING Direct/Capital One 360, Discover,Chase(Chase比较敏感,可能会打个fraud prevention电话给你或让你跑一趟branch去verify身份,不过verify完身份就没问题了), USAA。

注3: 如果你用一个joint bank account转钱到你的netSpend里,或从你的netSpend里取钱,你最好用你自己的login登录这个joint bank account,不要用你配偶的,否则netSpend有可能因为名字不match的原因decline这个transfer。

注4: Brinks and netSpend 属于同一个母公司,所以instruction都一样,但是$20 Bonus,可能只能在netSpend和Brinks二选一,但是这不妨碍你两个都开,每个都拿5%的利息。如果你netSpend和Brinks两张卡都想申请,建议你不要同时申请两张,先弄好一张,拿到bonus之后,再去弄第二张,防止两张互相干扰。

注5:在收到card,activate之后,再到外部银行去设置Online Transfer(ACH),不要提前做,否则会锁住账户,要给netSpend或Brinks打电话。

注6: 因为netSpend和Brinks是一个系统,它们的每一个帐号都有一个FlashPay ID。用这个FlashPay ID,你可以在netSpend和Brinks之间可以互相转钱。在netSpend里,点击MOVE MONEY->SEND MONEY,用Brinks账户的FlashPay ID设好Contact,然后就可以从netSpend帐户向这个Brinks Contact里转钱。转钱的时候要用到你的netSpend的卡号和CVC2码。同理,你也可以从Brinks账户向netSpend账户里转钱。

注7: 如果在enroll netSpend或Brinks的Savings账号时,在W9 certification那步怎么都过不去,老是被提醒:"If you are subject to withholding by the IRS we will NOT be able to open new savings account for you",这说明你忘了同意E-Sign Disclosure and Consent,在同意E-SIGN后,就可以通过这一步了,继而开Savings账号了。

注8:如果你已经给自己开了一个账号,但在给配偶开账号的时候遇到了这样的出错信息:“It looks like you have already requested a card. You should receive your card in 7-10 business days.”,这时你只要等一到两天再给配偶开账号就可以了。

注9:netSpend系列的账号包括netSpend,Aceelite,Western Union,Brinks和HEB。其中netSpend,Aceelite和Western Union是MetaBank发行的(开Savings帐户已经没有升级的要求,不需要做一个Direct Deposit),Brinks和HEB是BofI Bank发行的(Brinks开Savings帐户还有升级的要求,Direct Deposit可能也要真的了,不能用ACH了;HEB开户有一个$2.95 start-up fee)。


How to open a netSpend Savings account with 5% interest and a $20 account bonus

netSpend itself is a prepaid debit card account, but there is a savings account (FDIC insured) attached to it. If you have not had a netSpend account in the last 180 days, you can open one and take advantage of this offer. You can put up to $5000 in the savings account and earn 5% interest on it. There is nothing special about the prepaid debit card account and we are only going to use it as the money transfering tool. You can follow the simple steps below to open and fund the account.

(1) Find a $20 bonus referral link (you can use my link: http://www.mynetspendcard.com?uref=5072177012 or anybody's link if they have a netSpend account) and click the link to order a netSpend Visa prepaid debit card and sign up for an online account.

(2) It takes about a week or so for the debit card to arrive. Once you have the card, go to https://www.netspend.com to activate it and sign up for an online account if you have not done so in step (1).

(3) Once inside the online account, you should find the routing number and account number (treated as checking) linked to your debit card.  You can use the two numbers in your external bank account to set up ACH transferring so that using your external bank account you can ACH money into or out of the netSpend debit card account.  This ACH transferring will be treated as Direct Deposit.

(4) Use your external bank account to ACH $40 into your debit card account, this will trigger the $20 bonus.

(5) In order to open the attached savings account, you need to upgrade your netSpend debit card account to a premier account. It is very easy to do so because you only need to ACH $500 into your debit card account one time from your external bank account. After doing that, your debit card account will be upgraded to a premier account automatically. Because we are not going to use the debit card for shopping, we can just keep the debit card in the pay as you go plan and there is no monthly fee.  Otherwise, if you put your debit card in the feeadvantage plan, you need to pay a $5 monthly fee, so don't do it.

(6) After you have a premier debit card account, you can open a savings account which is linked to your debit card account.  Use your external bank to ACH $4500 into your debit card account.  Then you can internally transfer the $5000 from your debit card account into your savings account.  The $5000 will earn a %5 interest in your savings account.

(7) Note that if you do not have an activity in your debit card account in 90 days, netSpend will charge you a maintenance fee. But it can be easily avoided.  You can schedule ACH transfers in your external bank account to automatically push $5 into your debit card account and then automatically pull $5 out of your debit card account. This will generate the needed activities.

(8) Following the same steps, you can also open an account for your spouse if you want to put in another $5000.

Now enjoy your netSpend savings account which is earning 5% interest at this time.






仓储商店Costco美国分店今日宣布,Citi Bank(花旗银行)和Visa公司将成为其新的信用卡合作伙伴,任何visa信用卡都可以在costco里支付(仿佛没有原来高大上了)。 American Express(美国运通)上个月宣布结束与Costco 16年来的合作。从2016年4月起,Citi Bank将成为Costco合作品牌信用卡的独家发行人,Visa信用卡则将取代American Express,在美国和波多黎各的Costco连锁店作为会员卡使用,并向用户提供回扣。

