

以前写过一篇不想受到金融机构垃圾邮件的干扰可以选择opt out的文章。下面的这篇英文文章更全面地描述了不受任何垃圾邮件干扰的办法,非常值得一读:

Rid yourself of annoying junk mail... and more!

You know all of that random mail you find in your mailbox or email inbox — the kind that comes from solicitors looking for money or donations, or offering you pre-approved credit cards? How about all those sales flyers, or the sales calls you receive at dinnertime? If you'd no longer like to be on the receiving end of those types of communications, here are a few things you can do:

  1. Direct Mail: The Direct Marketing Association is made up of many organizations that market directly to consumers. To opt out of mailings from their members visit www.dmachoice.org.
  2. Email: The Direct Marketing Association also provides an option for opting out of email communications from their members. Register at https://www.ims-dm.com/cgi/offemaillist.php.
  3. Telemarketing: The National Do Not Call Registry is maintained by the Federal Trade Commission and allows you to opt out of certain telemarketing calls. You can register by visiting www.donotcall.gov.
  4. Pre-Approved Credit Offers: You can opt out from allowing the Consumer Credit Reporting Companies provide your information to be used for prescreened credit card and insurance offers. Choose to opt out for just five years or permanently unsubscribe by visiting www.OptOutPrescreen.com.
  5. Other Mailers: Here are some additional marketing databases you may want to consider opting out from:

